Collection: Artisan Loose Leaf Teas | SereniTEA

Collection: Artisan Loose Leaf Teas | SereniTEA

 Irresistible artisan loose leaf herbal tea infusions for the flavour curious.

It's been scientifically proven that drinking tea (the second most popular drink in the world) has many benefits,

Containing antioxidants that boost our body's health, whilst re-hydrating it at the same time, our SereniTEA collection includes Green Teas, Red Teas, White Teas, Black Teas and Fruit Teas.

Taking 5- 15 minutes out of a chaotic day to pause, reflect and sip a cup of tea (any tea, although we recommend our loose leaf tea infusions) is a simple act of self love, that you can incorporate into your weekly or even daily routine.